It started as a misunderstanding. I know this. It doesn't matter.
A friend wrote a funny post on his Facebook page. I commented--it was an inside joke between us. One of his friends (an idiot--I have no doubt), wrote a long rant, in which he called me "fat boy."
I haven't been called fat or fat boy, not to my face, anyway, in a very long time. I mean, I'm 44. Don't get me wrong. I know people make comments. But still, calling me fat boy? On Facebook?
What was weird was, I felt as though I were right back in fifth grade. I really did. Still do. But I'm not. I'm 44. I'm a fat man, not a boy. Here's how I feel. The dude is lucky he's in New York and not in LA. Because I seriously would kick his ass. I mean it. It wouldn't really be about him. Right now he represents for me all the asshole bullies who ever called me names.
It's surprising how fast I can go from middle-aged lawyer guy to fifth grade object of ridicule.
I'm doing my best. I'm not a loser. He's an asshole.
So I had a healthy breakfast and went to work. I did not feed the emotion. Food is for hunger, that's all. But goddamn. Seriously.
My theory is that some folks just never evolve past the level of their approximate mental age (your bully).
ReplyDeleteGood for you to not use it as an excuse to de-volve into using food as something other than fuel.