I don't know how often I'm going to write here. If you are interested, bless you. You are very kind.
So, when my twins came home, I put on about 15 pounds (with them). That's in addition to about ten I'd put on after they were born (early) and in the NICU for a month. So, not great.
I went back to Weight Watchers, but I didn't like the new program (fruit is free, but I can eat a LOT of fruit--that doesn't help me). I understand why they're doing it. WW's big challenge is to teach people how to eat. My problem historically is portion control. I can eat a lot of good stuff.
I've been experimenting with intermittent fasting. It may be that several small meals a day is not the best idea. I'll see how it goes. I'm down a bit, which makes me happy. I do care about the number on the scale, dammit. I do.
I want to drop 100 pounds (yes) before my girls are about six or seven. I think that's doable, and I don't want to be their huge dad. I want to be able to run around with them.
I bought running shoes at the beginning of the summer. I run, sort of. I walk at least. And it's pretty cool, really. I'm committed, in my fashion. But I do think people are right. Diet matters most. So I'm watching it.
I hope you're all well.